Currently on repeat: Jay Sean - Lights Off
"Good things come to those who wait" - I think in the last few weeks, that quote has begun to finally to show it's meaning ahha. This weekend we bought a mini Heiny-keg and some liquor... after a long week of late night studying, Friday night was the night to lay low and relax. But today is time to get back to reality, catching up on readings and studying, joy. Reading week is soon and I get to go back home to Toronto, hopefully I'll get some studying done because I have a midterm right after! Not to mention a midterm right before reading week ahah, sucks so much. Hmm, I've been thinking of what kind of furniture purchases to make for my house next year, ahah I'm so excited! Okay, that's it for now.
So, I'm on the Rollingstone's website, and look at what I came across!
Lady Gagafied lmao
Gentlemen's Don't
Gabe bondoc <3 Gentlemen's Don't is one of my favorite songs from him. His voice is so soothing haha. Currently I am sitting in my most boring lecture. Anthropology. It's such a drag to come to this lecture because this professor is one of the absolute worst haha - She loves yelling at a room full of approx 500-600 students. On top of that she is basically technology challenged ahaha, lovely. But anyways, I thought I would update my blog since I actually have time right now... because she just started playing a random movie. Anyways during the past week I've been studying my ass off, staying up til the middle of night trying to get my work done. When working at the student center at night with my friends, we always always always see/hear/or referring to last night... smell these wierd things. Honestly, who dances at 4AM? Some people started blasting Indian music while people were studying, there's nothing wrong with Indian music but it was so late! Last night, we smelt some dirty sour smell, and it was coming from some guy who took off his shoes haha - gross. It reeked and I wanted to puke. One more day to go... I can't wait until the weekend (staying in Hamilton!) :) No waking up early for classes - but it does consist of quality time with the friends and studying. Oh yeah, I forgot... here are some pictures from the last time I went skating in Toronto at Harbourfront! Pretty lights, snowflakes, ice skating, good music = A pretty damn good night with the friends <3 Note to self - Stop losing my earrings. officially lost my pearls and most of my studs. Sigh :*(
So, I've been kindof slow on my blog this past week. I've been so busy with my school work and searching for a house and everything else. So much happened this week! So many shared laughs with the girls. But anyway last week, CASS hosted an event called Shiver to raise money for Haiti, and needless to say our event was VERY successful!

I love these girls - haha they make my day!
For now... naptime, I'm exhausted! Just came back from Hamilton a few hours ago :P
I love these girls - haha they make my day!
For now... naptime, I'm exhausted! Just came back from Hamilton a few hours ago :P
Sparkling snowflakes
This weekend I went to Collingwood's Blue Mountain to snowboard with CASS (Canadian Asian Student Society) and it was an amazing weekend excluding all of the unncessary drama. I was anticipating this trip for weeks! Thursday night, the girls were anxious to go out and have some fun, so we went out to Club 77 in downtown Hamilton. We stayed for half of our evening class because we were only watching a movie, then we went to get ready and cabbed to the club. It was a fun night, many pictures were taken and our hearts were on the dancefloor. However, the entire night I couldn't help but anxiously await for the snowboarding trip! We left around 5 in the late afternoon Friday January 8th and got there through the blistering cold and snowfall by approximately 9PM. We settled into our rooms and even though my housemates and I were exhausted, we managed to stick to our plan and make our yummy pasta! After dinner we had some drinks and went to bed for the early morning next day. The next day we got up around 8AM, made breakfast and headed out to the slopes for some long awaited boarding time! It was fun the entire day until people started to crash into me haha - I still need to learn how to curve properly. I know it takes practice but it's so painful when I wake up the next day because of falling 24/7! But anyways, I think I managed well for my third time boarding, except for the fact that I lost one of my gloves! I'd love to go to Mount Tremblant in Quebec in February during reading week. I hope when I plan it, the plan will go through! But yeah, if you know me well enough, you know I'm always down for an adventure - that's just me haha. Oh yea! I'm so clumsy, someone lifted the chairlift bar and it hit my lip so hard that it hurt so much,the pain even went up to my nose! And I dropped my Triple Trip (Reese's pieces) Beavertails so I had to get a Chocolate Hazlenut one right after! I haven't had one in years and boy, are they yummy hehe -- After we were all sore we went back to our extremely nice house! (None of us wanted to leave! haha - it was such a nice place; we had high ceilings, big windows, big rooms, comfty beds, a nice living room, it was just so nice!) But anyway, we decided to head to the UOFT party a few houses down at the resort, but not many of our friends went yet so we decided to pre-drink at our house. Then, some friends-of-friend's came and caused WAY too much drama that basically killed my mood for the entire night. I was so upset and angry becuase they were being so disrespectful in so many ways (don't worry vee, I'll tell you in details after ahha). But yeah, some of those people were sketchier than sketch! Made everyone so angry because they caused such a big scene at our place. After everyone left, my housemates and I had bonding time with chatting over watching TV and eating delicious cake! At the end of the night, everything sortof came together but I'd have to say though it was so frustrating, it was still fun. We took so many memorable pictures, made several of delicious meals, and had a real good time all together. None of us wanted to leave 207, we had too much fun there! I think we all had a very fun-filled weekend :) Oh yeah, it was also really nice to see friend from highschool on the trip too! Edwin, you know McMaster is the best! haha - I hope you had fun meeting some of my friends from MAC, you drunk kid!
Walking back to residence after Club 77
First meal
Up on the hills
Pillow fight haha
View from our kitchen windows
Last all girls picture before we left!
This picture reminds me of Friends for some reason.
The master bedroom in our apartment style accommodation had a huge opening to the living room. We had to take this picture before we left haha
Cheers to 2010!
2010 will be great. I've learnt from my many mistakes over the past and with the fresh year ahead of me - I'm determined to do things the right way around. Let me start off by thinking of some new years resolutions.
1) Be indepedent as I can be.
2) School is my number one priority next to my family.
3) Be healthy, eat healthy.
4) Be spontaneous and do more new things.
5) Never take anything for granted.
Okay, I can't really think right now.
Well, here's New Year's Eve in a nutshell - I went to Urban Lounge last night in Markham to celebrate with some friends. It was really nice to see everybody again especially after so long! In addition, there were somethings that happened that kindof screwed the night up but I'm glad I had really supportive and helpful friends there. Thanks guuuys. Happy New Years to all of you! Best wishes to everything and anything you guys do in the future.
Here are some pictures:
1) Be indepedent as I can be.
2) School is my number one priority next to my family.
3) Be healthy, eat healthy.
4) Be spontaneous and do more new things.
5) Never take anything for granted.
Okay, I can't really think right now.
Well, here's New Year's Eve in a nutshell - I went to Urban Lounge last night in Markham to celebrate with some friends. It was really nice to see everybody again especially after so long! In addition, there were somethings that happened that kindof screwed the night up but I'm glad I had really supportive and helpful friends there. Thanks guuuys. Happy New Years to all of you! Best wishes to everything and anything you guys do in the future.
Here are some pictures:
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