Lol @ the awkward man in the back.
Your typical tourist picture.
Ummm, yeah.
Breath taking.
Mango Sorbet <3
The process of me getting roasted.
Sand in between my toes (dried nasty sandy - toes).

Mochi balls stuffed with green tea, yummy.
Damn, we look so tired and out of it from doing absolutely nothing all day but touring and tanning.
I miss this so much.
Bolt <3
I look SO tired.
Um, yeah. *rolls eyes :)
Alcohol in CVS? Damnnnnnn.
Urban Outfitters T-shirt, Talula fedora, A&F jean shorts, sandals from downtown LA, H&M bag
Day Four
Destination – The City of Manhattan Beach, Beach, Manhattan Shopping Village, City of El Segundo
Score. Luckily our hotel had a pretty cheap deal considering we had already spent a vast amount of money on taxis. It was a five dollar round trip on a trolley to the City of Manhattan beach. Who knew it could be so sketchy just to wait for this trolley that was located right outside the hotel? A random African-American man came up to me and said some disturbing things to me. Nasty. It was quite the experience getting on this trolley. I thought it was really cute because it gave us a different cultural feel of getting around. When we got to the city, we were quite amazed because there were so many boutiques and beautiful palm trees! When we got off, we grabbed a sushi lunch at a Japanese cuisine called Sun and Moon. To my surprise, they actually had some pho (Vietnamese rice noodle) in a Japanese restaurant. Afterwards we walked around the boutiques. I love doing this because every store you go into there was something different and unique about it. The store owners all have a different taste in style and there’s always something new.
In our case, after tanning for a couple hours on the beautiful fine sand and dipping our toes in azure water, we visited more boutiques and one of them made us so grateful for the rest of our trip. Ally-Woo was the name of the boutique. Tammi was her name. We conversated with this Korean woman who owned her boutique filled with modern-vintage clothing and accessories along with her puppy named Bolt. She is such a genuinely sweet and nice person. I don’t even know how to exaggerate that because she was just naturally a happy sweet lady from what we could tell. She knew about the round trip ticket we got but she told us to go to Manhattan Shopping Village to do some shopping and that she would pick us up from there and drive us back to our hotel. Seems risky doesn’t it? But she was just that sincere and sweet that we took that offer and trusted her to pick us up from the village. Manhtatten Shopping Village was a little shopping mall with not too many stores. They had your Sephora, Coach, Apple, California Pizza, CVS, banks, and other shops. Tammi said she would call us when she was there to pick us up and she really did!
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