I asked for black pepper and this is what I got.
For my younger sister haha
Rest in Peace M.J <3
So dark.
When I saw this, it felt so unreal lol
Dolled up.
Capitol Records.
At The Grove
I was so shocked seeing Chinese Laundry at the mall. I thought it was only available online haha
Huge F21 that we didn't get to go into :(

Got bored of waiting so Vee decided to be a photographer haha

New heels hehe
Forgot to take a picture of our room in the beginning of the week haha
Goodbye LA! :(
Day Seven – Hollywood, Beverly Hills, The Grove, Beverly Hills Center, LAX
We woke up around 9 and got ready then made reservations for the limousine to take us to Hollywood ($60!!!). It turns out that our driver was actually the son of the person who owned this limousine company (Oscar’s Limosuine Company). He was such a sweet and kind gentleman. We talked casually and he talked to us about things that we could do in Hollywood and places that we could visit. Our first stop was In-N-Out Burger! I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited to eat fast food hahaha. There was also so much hype about this fast food restaurant that we had to try it out. We asked our driver to see what he would recommend to get – he said: Animal styled fries (what?!), pink lemonade, and cheeseburger. Mmm it was delicious. It was the perfect little cheeseburger. Major itis right after!!! Then we went to Hollywood Blvd. I honestly expected everything to be bigger and better in Hollywood but there wasn’t that much to see or do. Hollywood Blvd reminded me of Niagara Falls but not as extravagant. There were tourist attractions: the wax museum, Ripley’s Believe It or Not, Hollywood’s Guiness World of Records and a bunch of shops (Forever 21, AA, AE, Zara, Coffee bean house, BCBG). There seems to be an American Apparel everywhere in LA but I guess it would make sense since it’s manufactured in downtown LA. We walked around Hollywood Blvd and checked out Hollywood Highlands. There was an area where you could see the infamous Hollywood sign and it looked incredible. As we kept walking down Hollywood Blvd, I noticed that the area was getting sketchier and sketchier (it did not look like anything I saw from The Hills lolll, maybe because I was in a different part of Hollywood? Who knows).
We decided to go elsewhere to explore and take the bus in LA. (Kinda crazy... I know.) It’s about 1.25 to take the metro and we had to ask so many people for directions. Thankfully our bus driver was kind and helped us out. We took the 210 from Hollywood Blvd and Vine all the way to 3rd street and took the 16 to Fairfax and 3rd to shop (yes... to shop some more) at the grove which is a beautiful outdoor mall which right next to the Farmer’s Market where people usually buy fresh groceries. The Grove had a Starbuck’s tasting event going on with jazz music playing in the background, a 3 story Abercrombie store, Michael Kors, Coach, Victoria Secret, Zara... and etc. After The Grove, we walked over to the Beverly Centre which was like a 20 minute walk. LA is extremely fortunate to have outdoor malls. The Beverly Centre is one of the biggest malls in Beverly Hills. There were so many stores. But by the time we got there, the mall was closed L So we waited for Tammi to pick us up to drive us back to our hotel. We went to CVS to pick up some snacks for the plane ride and let me tell you something, the area around that CVS is so sketchy. I was extremely surprised to find out that parts of LA were as sketchy as it is. Our driver from the day before, Oscar even told us that only 1/3 of people in LA get their high school diploma because the education condition is so bad. Apparently the classroom sizes are usually roughly around 50 students. With that many students of course it’s difficult for one teacher to keep track of every single student’s performance in school. Well, Tammi arrived at about 10:20pm and brought three of her precious puppies: Mushroom, Pumpkin, and Bolt in the car. I'm definitely going to miss them - they're such cuties. Since the puppies absolutely hate getting their nails cut, it was painful when they wanted to look outside for the ride. When Bolt and Mushroom were climbing onto my thighs to look outside the window, their nails were digging into my skin! Ouch. . Anywho, we said our goodbyes and thanked her for everything she has done for us for our duration in LA. She was such a sweet, kind, and caring lady and I don't even know how to thank her enough. We got back to the hotel and... the guy at the front desk is still as big as a creep.
Anyways, we checked out (I can't believe we had to leave so soon!) and we went to LAX. We checked in our bags and then went through security, but unfortunately I had my Clinique toner in my carry-on and I just decided to check in my entire duffle bag. Jeez... My first luggage was $25 and this duffle bag was $35. Our flight departing to Houston-IAH is at 1:25am LA time. It was such a long and brutal plane ride. I just wanted to be back at home. Won’t someone invent a teleport machine? Lol. We had to wait in Houston for about 3 - 4 hours. At this point, I was dreading to go back home. I’m not exactly sure how much I even slept lol. After the 3.5 hour plane ride, we happily arrived in Toronto.